Twitter Graffiti


Just Bombin' a Wall...

Lasted one month.

46 Responses to “Twitter”

  1. Mon:

    Where’s this? :D

  2. Looks like the old Odeon picture house i reckon.

  3. Twit:

    Love this. Although I went past it earlier and its been vandalised unfortunately:

  4. That’s a shame. But it is originally vandalism itself, is it not?

  5. I mean in the technical, legal sense. But I think it’s very cool – I agree with Twit, shame about the post-vandalism . . .

  6. Jack:

    This demonstrates perfectly just how stupid and pointless twitter is!

  7. Alex:

    Actually, I’d argue the act of “vandalism” is as important to this piece as the original art itself. Isn’t the whole point of Twitter to spark a reaction? I’d say the second guy was as much a valid Twitter post as the first. Certainly within the character limit!

  8. I’m on yer wall, bombin ur wall, wit mah twitterz.

  9. Clever.
    just twitted it..

  10. I didn’t know that “sod” actually means “f**k” in brit slang… Now it all makes sense and yep, I would definitely agree with Jack! :-D

  11. Excellent operation !

  12. twitter is becoming cool with the kids ay?
    I want to hear a rapper get sick with twitter.

  13. Kool

  14. What the hell does that mean???

  15. Lisa:

    Love it!

  16. Welcome to Artylizer.

  17. Haha, great idea.


  1. Twitter sprider sig… «
  2. Twitter-Streetart: This demonstrates perfectly just how stupid and pointless twitter is! | Nerdcore
  3. Twitter Streetart | Kreuzberg laesst gruessen
  4. » Blog Archive » Two worlds colliding: Tweeting and Graffiti
  5. A Little Bit On The Awesome Side » Blog Archive » Daily Graffiti: Twitter Street Art by Questionmarc
  6. Awesome Twitter Graffiti in the UK - The Next Web
  7. Graffiti Twitter … | Un monde nouveau s'offre à moi
  8. Twitter Street Art
  9. If You Thought Twitter Was Going Away… « headsparks*
  10. rebel:art » Blog Archive » Questionmarc: Twitter-Streetart
  11. Just Bombin' a Wall... | Lintcoat | Online Magazine for Music, Gadgets, Fashion & Culture
  12. The Pirate's Dilemma
  13. Bunk Price » Twitter, the Graffiti Artist
  14. Art Insight TV : a behind-the-scenes look at what makes artwork - work! » Blog Archive » Art is on the mind of a bunch of peoples
  15. Twitter - Just Bombin’ a Wall… « pSit
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  17. Wosch » Blog Archive » Twitter und so - Wir sind jung, wir haben Meinung und wir haben Internet!
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  19. Derby & First » Street Tweet:
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  24. Twitted by rsarver
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  26. Twitter Graffiti |
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